fooding, science is cool, comics, you're never born too late, link-mongering, dan sinker made me do it (journalism)

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  • Good... mornevening?

    newredshoes Feb 13, 2013 19:24

    So we had our first Interactive Broadcasting workshop this week, and aldskjfhlsjkfh, this is my nerd stuff, and I am SO INTO IT. For instance, for those us who grew up perusing "View Source" and squinting into pages' code for fun and profit, did you know that if you go into your browser's preferences, go to the "Advanced" tab and check "Show ( Read more... )

    fooding, science is cool, let's do this j-school tango (medill), link-mongering

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  • The vegetables always lie. You think it's never going to count, and then you can't walk anymore.

    newredshoes Feb 03, 2013 08:53

    I mean, the thing is, you're going to inhale a lot of food after you spend the hours between 12:30 and 5 walking around a neighborhood in the cold and the snow trying to interview (often unwilling) people about said neighborhood and how they get their news. But this morning I am still full. Ethiopian cuisine, you are a marvel, but oof ( Read more... )

    science is cool, shakespeare, let's do this j-school tango (medill), link-mongering

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  • Check out that wordcount too.

    newredshoes Jan 30, 2013 20:19

    Hey hey! Do you like cunnilingus? How about Shakespeare? In the world of "two great flavors that go together well," have some Macbeths by
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    science is cool, shakespeare, link-mongering, fic rec, the hollow crown

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  • Linkdump in lieu of reading about writing headlines

    newredshoes Jan 13, 2013 12:19

    People who like tights should investigate
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    shakespearegasm, hole in my pocket, science is cool, shakespeare, link-mongering, dan sinker made me do it (journalism)

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  • Also, self: Icons can wait.

    newredshoes Apr 10, 2011 14:29

    I have so much laundry to do, it's a little bit terrifying. It's also an astonishingly gorgeous day outside, though that's apparently because we're going to have high-octane thunderstorms tonight. I still would rather lounge around and be outside than be responsible and clean my apartment for the first time in, er, about a month ( Read more... )

    vid rec, link-mongering, art rec, we few we happy few, omeros, science is cool, patterns subtle and sly (fringe), political

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